Looking to hire full time/part time video editors to work on shows for our new streaming platform (EpochTV.Com). Work will depend on the show and frequency as well as quality. Must be fluent in Final Cut Pro. Additional experience in Adobe (Photoshop / Illstrator) is appreciated but not a must. This position requires you to come to our office in NYC. Please attach a resume if you are interested!
Epoch TV
229 West 28th Street, New York, NY 10001
$25.00 ~ $35.00 per hour
Please list 2-3 dates and time ranges that you could do an interview.
Do you speak English? (Deal breaker)
What is the highest level of education you have completed? How many years of Final Cut Pro experience do you have? Skills tests
You will be required to come in to our Manhattan office and do a short video editing test as well as an in person interview. Please apply only if willing to participate in this! The content you will be required to edit will mostly be interview/influencer style with a host (and guest) speaking in front of the camera, which can range from 20-40 minutes. There might also be accompanying short trailers for these episodes. Pricing/compensation will mostly hourly based. Looking ideally for long term contract but we can also start with a trial period.
We are a streaming platform for people who want to be informed with truthful and uncensored news. our content includes in-depth news analysis, interviews and investigation documentaries. you can watch our exclusive programming live and on demand on your favorite device, anywhere, anytime.
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